Since 1984, with 37 years of experience servicing yachts and boats in the Tampa Bay area, you know you can count on us to keep your floating investment in great shape!
We Travel to You! A/C and D/C Main PanelsAir Conditioner ElectricalAIS SystemsAutopilotsAudio/Video – TV’S, Satellite TV, Stereo, MP3, IPod, Speakers, Night Vision, Cameras, DVD Players, AmplifiersBattery Chargers/InvertersCameras – Security, Infrared, NetworkedChartplotters/Multifunction DisplaysCO MonitorsCorrosion AnalysisDash PanelsFansFishfinders/Depth Sounders – TransducersFLIR Infrared CamerasGlendinning
Electronics Packages
Retrofit or New – We have the expertise to advise you on the best options. New Pilot / Navigation Helms New installation of the latest navigation screens – includes offshore marine maps, plus satellite imagery, enhanced 3-D maps, aerial photographs
What our Client says
Andy has made sure that the electronics on my last two yachts were certified and working flawlessly!
I won't let anyone else touch my yacht!
Recent Work
Electronics packages - retrofit or new - we have the expertise to advise you on the best products for the money.